There is something about kids in fashion that I find fascinating. The clothes slightly too big and too grown up for the purpose of playing. Maybe it was my mom dressing me up in white pants when i was a kid going to the park making it impossible for me to get on the swing and not get dirty. Check out the story here.
The VMAs have me listening to Empire State of Mind on repeat! Jay-Z and Alicia Keys really break down the pride for this city :) Plus does Jay-Z give a shout out to Ana Wintour?... listen right before the 2:50 mark... out of context it makes no sense but the lyrics are: ...Now your in-style, And in the winter gets cold en vogue with your skin out,...
but he's talking in-style and vogue and "...And in the winter" sure sounds like her name... either way, clever lyrics and great song.
Such a great little movie for the Main Editorial in Vogue Italia. Im not sure who created it and it doesn't really seam to have an ending but I'm really digging the concept of creating a video trailer for a printed editorial. It was shot by Steven Misel, so the original shots are clearly amazing.
Great shoot in the new issue of Purple Magazine with all the Supermodels of the season shot by Terry Richardson which makes the world better :) The Dolce & Gabbana sleaves make an appearance and the shots are great. ABBEY LEE, MAGDALENA & ENIKO in one shot! More from the issue here.